Electric Locomotive (AVAF)

(1) Select the track gauge. If 'Narrow Gauge' is checked, narrow gauge trains are designed.

(2) Select the technology level. If 'Apply State of the Art Technology' is checked, designed trains are more light weight and efficient.

(3) Select the train set type--Electric Locomotive.

Click 'Next'.

(1) Set the output of the locomotive car.

(2) Enable or disable the regenerative braking system.
 If enabled, the kinetic energy is regenerated according to the braking force and the train's intrinsic regenerative performance and the total energy consumption of the train is reduced.

(3) Check "Use 2 locomotives" if you wish to pull this train by 2 locomotives designed here.

(4) Specify the item to haul and its formation and weight.

Click 'Next'.

(1) Specify the designed speed. If the track gauge is narrow, the maximum speed is limited to 260km/h

(2) Specify the train characteristics. 

Click 'Next'.

Click 'Next' and save the data.

If you wish to check the train performance, click 'Tractive Effort' or 'Acceleration' or 'Output at wheel'.

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